Monday, August 10, 2009

Jews and Child Molesting

August 10, 2009
Jews and Child Molesting
Filed under:
Civil Rights— @ 8:39 am

by Ian Mosley
It is not generally admitted in the media that both homosexual and heterosexual child abuse occurs with an alarming frequency among Jews.
An article by Reverend Ted Pike notes “the Orthodox Jewish community struggles to contain what has been a closely guarded secret: pedophilia…. In a previous e-alert, “Pedophilia: Thriving in Judaism’s Right Wing” [4], I related how an Orthodox Jew, Dov Hikind, a Brooklyn assemblyman, is attempting to address… ‘a taboo subject’ among the Orthodox. Since Hikind broached the subject on his radio show this summer, ‘dozens of people have come forward with stories about children being molested in the Orthodox community which strictly follows Jewish law…Dov Hikind says as many as four people a day have come to him over the past three months with painful accounts of secrets often kept for decades, accusing more than sixty individuals.’ …. ‘One rabbi and psychologist told Jewish media outlets he was hounded into quitting a task force on child molestation days after Hikind appointed him to lead it…’ Six former students are suing an Orthodox school in New York for allegedly covering up the abuse of Rabbi Yehuda Kolkol, charged with sexually molesting boys…. the existence of pedophilia is not Orthodoxy’s best kept secret. What truly cannot be uttered by the Jewish community or media worldwide is that the Talmud, Judaism’s highest legal authority, encourages pedophilia.”
